So if you like my work, if you find it helpful, or even if you think that my stuff could help, encourage and teach others who want to get into games development, then please consider becoming a patron of my work! Patrons get access to all sorts of cool stuff including source code, early release videos and so on. Those are the people who should influence it, not advertisers or YouTube's algorithm. I would rather be funded solely by great people that care about my work. And the latter consumes time I would rather spend creating better public content more frequently.Īdverts and the 'normal' paths to success on YouTube demand a style of content that favors retention, clicks and mass market appeal rather than quality and depth. The former isn't worth a lot of money, not enough to support the time I spend on this work.
I used to support my YouTube work with adverts and freelance work.
I want to create stuff that everyone can use. I really don't want to charge for tutorials, sell books or create courses behind a paywall. Making high quality tutorial videos and content for developers takes a long time and a lot of effort.
I make tutorial videos, livestreams, tools and assets for GameMaker Studio 1 & 2 and game development in general. Who am I?I'm Shaun Spalding, I'm an ex-Ubisoft game designer and independent game developer.